This is what it looks like inside the PONS building

Who we are


PONS is one of the lead­ing lan­guage pub­lish­ers in Ger­ma­ny. Since 1978, PONS has been pub­lish­ing green dic­tion­ar­ies and lan­guage learn­ing prod­ucts for 32 dif­fer­ent lan­guag­es. The com­pa­ny rep­re­sents quali­ty and in­no­va­tive lan­guage learn­ing meth­ods.

In ad­di­tion to print prod­ucts, we of­fer se­veral apps and our on­line dic­tion­ar­y for 22 lan­guag­es.


For 160 years, Langen­scheidt has been the lan­guage ex­pert for eve­ry­one who wants to use lan­guag­es con­fi­dent­ly and ac­cu­rate­ly.

The port­fo­li­o rang­es from clas­sic dic­tion­ar­ies to busi­ness lan­guage cours­es and com­pact hol­i­day cours­es. Our prov­en book pro­gram is con­stant­ly be­ing sup­ple­ment­ed with new ti­tles and ex­pand­ed with a va­ri­e­ty of dig­i­tal prod­ucts.


The Klett Lern­trai­ning brand stands for learn­ing aids from kin­der­gar­ten to u­ni­ver­si­ty. The ti­tles cov­er the es­sen­tial ap­pli­ca­tion sit­u­a­tions of ref­er­ence, prac­tice, test­ing and ex­am prep­a­ra­tion in all grades, core sub­jects and school types. The in­ter­lock­ing learn­ing sys­tem and the learn­ing con­tents stand for the high­est ped­a­gog­i­cal com­pe­tence, the prod­ucts for high qual­i­ty and in­no­va­tion.

What we offer


The li­cens­ing de­part­ment pro­vides you with li­cens­es, cus­tom­ized prod­ucts, co­pro­duc­tions and en­a­bles you to en­hance your prod­ucts with dig­i­tal com­po­nents. We work with well-known part­ners all o­ver the world and look for­ward to new part­ner­ships.



Meet us!



11-15 February 2025

Hall 3, 3D15

London Book Fair

11–13 March 2025


Frankfurt Book Fair

15-19 October 2025

Hall 3.1, C145

Get in contact with us!


If you have any ques­tions or are in­ter­est­ed in a part­ner­ship with us, please feel free to con­tact us. We look for­ward to your e-mail or a phone call.

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